1 Dolphin Smalltalk 3 The Dolphin Smalltalk VM is required to run this application, but does not appear to be registered.\nPlease reinstall or use REGSVR32 to register DolphinVM???.DLL, then try running the application again. 4 The Dolphin Smalltalk VM is required to run this application, but could not found or instantiated.%n%nThe error was: %1!#x!: %2%nPlease ensure that the application is correctly installed and try again. 5 Unable to establish link between calling application and Dolphin image (Error %1!#d! marshalling application interface) 6 Unable to establish link between calling application and Dolphin image (Error %1!#d! unmarshalling application interface) 7 Failed to start Dolphin thread 8 The image '%7' was saved by a version %1!u!.%2!u!.x VM, but the launcher%n'%10' is version %3!u!.%4!u!.%5!u!.%6!u!.%n%nThe launcher can attempt to load the image using the following VM:%n%n%tDolphinSmalltalk.%8!u!%n%t%9%n%nDo you wish to proceed? 9 Dolphin Smalltalk: Image version mismatch